Friday, July 1, 2016

Your Quick Reference Guide to To The Batpoles!

Welcome to To The Batpoles! While we've finished our 120-episode marathon viewing and reviewing an episode of Batman a day, we hope you'll come along for the ride after the fact and post your comments on the episodes as you make your way through the series. While you can access all of the entries in the Blog Archive in the sidebar, we thought it would be helpful to provide this index with links to each of the episode reviews, spotlights, season and series wrap-ups, all of the interviews we conducted, and the other special features posted.

Season 1 Episode Reviews
The Movie
Season 2 Episode Reviews
Season 3 Episode Reviews

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

We interrupt this program for a very special announcement

Just when you thought you had seen the last of our "TV show a day" blogs, this week co-host John Scoleri threw caution to the wind, and has embarked on a journey to watch and comment on every episode of Dark Shadows on the 50th anniversary of its original airdate.

And yes, that means starting at the very beginning, not 200+ episodes in when Barnabas arrives.

Right now the key question is can he do it? Remember, we're talking about 1225 episodes here. Five years. Well, perhaps you have the complete DVD collection in your library, and have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to crack those babies open. What better time, and what better way than to join in on the fun.

Check it out at Dark Shadows Before I Die!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, Bat-fans!